The Piers and me...
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 I chose to create my web-pages about the Brighton piers and The West Pier in particular because for me they are an integral part of the town and of the whole seaside experience. 
The fact that we have two beautiful piers in our town makes Brighton even more unique.
I remember as an 11 year old coming on day trips to Brighton and always heading, first and foremost, to the Palace Pier (as the West Pier was then and still is closed to the public). 
Here I would soak up the sounds (one-arm bandits, fairground rides, and the gentle wash of the waves beneath me) and the smells (doughnuts, fish and chips, candy-floss and sea salt). I would allow myself to be whizzed around on the Waltzer until I was so dizzy I couldn't stand, then it was on to the bingo with the attraction of a Hi-Karate talc set as a prize.
Now, as a resident of Brighton, I still thrill at the sight of the Palace Pier lit up in neon each night and I wait, in eager anticipation, for a time when I might take a stroll and some tea on the restored West Pier... 

Hopefully I won't have too long to wait!

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