


While the children were growing up, they were 'her life', and any thoughts about other permanent relationships remained ..just thoughts

Allie, Marigold's youngest daughter was also political and accompanied Marigold to Greenham and other CND demos. She went to University in 1988

Now Allie, who was by this time at university had come out to me as a lesbian at about the age of 16.
I'd always had occasional thoughts, you know, that in another life I may perhaps have decided that living with a woman would be my thing. But I thought that I was too old and couldn't really change, having been thoroughly into the other life with 4 children. Allie telling me, certainly made me reflect more on myself but I also realised that I had reflected on my situation before but that I had decided...


All the time the children were growing up and were reliant on me I had always made my mind up that I would not have a permanent relationship - that would have been with a man, I knew I would not import another man into the house. That was just a personal thing because I'd seen so many difficulties with that sort of situation, I just didn't want to do it. But in my mind I had had one or two thoughts about women and then I thought well I certainly can't do that cos that would certainly put the cat among the pigeons. And then I just thought it was too late to change, and how would I meet anyone and all those things. Then,I met Jenn!