Miner's Strike

Marigold attended meetings in support of the Miners' Strike (which started in 1984 and continued right through 1985).

I had been previously been to meetings. There had been a wonderful NUT rally at Withdean and some miners' wives had come down. I couldn't help seeing that even though the strike itself was all going to end in tears, there were all these women who'd never said Boo to a goose - were standing up and speaking to all these crowds of people. I overheard a miner's wife saying 'I never thought I'd be standing here in the South talking to all these people'.


However, Marigold became even more involved after her daughter, Mim, was killed in a traffic accident that year

We became very involved in the miners because Mim had been on this picket line. (near York where she had been studying at University)

We collected money at the celebration of Mim's life and sent it to the miners and I've got a book that was written by a miner who lost his job and he rang me up, a couple of years later and asked if he could put Mim's name on the front page along with the names of miners who'd died during the strike. She was a very political person, Mim.