
I know I don't always think it out, but I'm a Labour Party person from the heart, that's what I am; I believe in fairness...

Since Marigold moved to Princes Road she has stopped attending ward meetings but during the 1980s was an active member of the Preston ward Labour group

Up until 1986, the local Brighton council had always been Tory controlled, and to many of us growing up in the town before then, it seemed that it would always continue to be so.

..Yes, of course I can remember when the council went labour; it WAS amazing. I didn't think growing up here that it would ever happen. Yes, I thought it was wonderful - and I still do and even though I am sometimes disappointed by what the Labour Party does, I would never ever change my allegiance, and I wouldn't not vote.



the seafront at Rottingdean 1983 showing the open air swimming pool in disrepair
part ot the seafront redevelopment during the 1990s